Activision has announced-slash-confirmed Escalation, the next DLC update for the hit Call of Duty: Black Ops.
Escalation was actually outed last week thanks to an ill-timed advertisement on GAME Australia’s website that went online before the existence of the game had even been announced. The ad was quickly pulled but the internet, as we all know, never forgets. But it doesn’t matter anymore, because now it’s official. Activision revealed today that the next DLC update is in fact called Escalation and that it will feature four new multiplayer maps and even more zombie-killing action.
“Hotel” will take place on the roof of a luxury hotel and casino in old Havana; “Convoy” will offer close-quarters combat set against an ambushed U.S. military convoy; “Zoo” goes down in an abandoned Russian zoo; and “Stockpile” takes place in a remote Russian farming town with a secret.
“The team developed [the maps] to be distinct experiences in their own right, giving players the variety they crave in both setting and gameplay,” said Treyarch Studio Head Mark Lamia. “And I don’t want to spoil any surprises for Zombies fans, but ‘Call of the Dead’ takes it to a whole new level.”
Call of Duty: Black Ops: Escalation comes out on May 3 exclusively for the Xbox 360, with a double-XP weekend to mark the release beginning on May 6. PlayStation 3 and PC versions of the DLC will presumably come out a few months later.
via: Major Nelson
Published: Apr 11, 2011 09:41 pm