The twisted minds behind Comedy Central’s deranged action-figure sketch show Robot Chicken will be tackling Spore – as DLC creators for the game’s first expansion, Galactic Adventures.
Raise your hand if you saw this coming. Now bring that hand down and slap yourself smartly across the face for being a liar. Nobody could have seen this coming – not before the aptly-named Spore WTF page, anyway. Sure, people might have used the robust creature creator to design millions of beings that vaguely resembled human genitalia, but where the hell does that coincide with a stop-motion sketch comedy show that has featured the adventures of kindergarten-aged Hitler?
Still, it’s happening nonetheless. Series co-creators Seth Green and Matt Senreich conceptualized a special campaign for Galactic Adventures, and then passed it on to their team of writers to, uh, write it.
“We’re big fans of Spore, so teaming up on Spore Galactic Adventures was a natural fit and so much fun for all the guys at Robot Chicken,” said Green. Co-creator Matt Senreich continued: “We’re all gaming geeks, so when the Spore guys said they had an alluring proposition for us, how could we say no? Instead of creating absurd worlds with toys, this gave us the opportunity to create literally anything we wanted as gamers. Geek moment. We think that RC fans will love the pretty random and absurd adventures we created and we can’t wait to goof around with the ones the fans create.”
One wonders if their DLC campaign will have any penis monsters in it. It’s not hard to envision. Regardless, the Robot Chicken campaign will be downloadable for free once Galactic Adventures hits on June 23rd.
Published: May 19, 2009 03:47 pm