Applications are apparently now being taken for an upcoming test of Star Wars: The Old Republic, but it’s hard to tell for sure because the site was pretty much blown off the internet the moment word got out.
According to a Blue’s News report, testers will be chosen from the Old Republic community, so interested parties need only register with the site, then indicate in their user profile that they’re interested in taking part. A specific start date remains undetermined, so those selected to take part will be contacted with further instructions at some point in the future.
Unfortunately, BioWare and LucasArts may have made things a little unnecessarily rough on themselves by tacking this line onto the end of the announcement: “Testing will be an ongoing process, and spots are limited, so people need to sign up early to give them the best possible chance of getting selected.” The results were entirely predictable: A storm of Star Wars junkies immediately began hammering the site and brought it crashing down even faster and harder than George Lucas’ legacy. At last check, the site “is currently unavailable while we perform scheduled maintenance.” Yeah, scheduled maintenance at noon on Tuesday.
Anyway, it’s bound to come back sooner or later and when it does, you can register for the community (and the test) here and check out the Game Testing FAQ here. Good luck!
Published: Sep 29, 2009 04:13 pm