Auto Assault: Road Rager of the Week: JuffoWup!

This article is over 17 years old and may contain outdated information

JuffoWup- May 14, 2007


Main Avatar:

Race & Class:
Mutant Paladin….er…Shaman

Knights of the Unforsaken although mutants seem to be just one big funky clan usually.

First Name (RL):

Profession (RL):

Location (RL):
Melbourne, Australia (FUTURELAND)

When and How did you start playing Auto Assault?
Originally, I started with an Agent during the open beta called JanKulozik. Jan was a happy little fellow, but eventually got disinterested. I was drawn originally because of the multi-game clan I’m part of was considering AA. I then started playing sometime after U3, simply because I kept getting the emails about the new AA updates and I kept getting interested.

How did you choose you Avatar’s name?
StarControl 2. One of the greatest games ever made. EVER MADE. JuffoWup just seemed like the perfect name for a green religious mutant that drives a car.

Why did you choose your main Faction & Class?
I prefer the under-dogs, and I remembered that the Mutants were underplayed during the Beta, so a figured I’d join them. Picked the Shaman because I like the support class, and figured if the game was any kind of popular there’d be a boatload of Champs, etc around.

Do you play solo? Why did you join a clan?
I try and group whenever I can, as much as the game can be claimed to be completely solo, it just goes against the grain of what a MMORPG should feel like. If I want to play a game on my own that’s like an MMORPG I’ll go play Oblivion or something.

Do you prefer PvE or PvP?
I enjoy PvP, but sometimes I just want to grind a Dark Bite circuit.

Do you craft? What is your favorite crafted item (yours or others)?
I compare crafting to stabbing myself in the eyes. I’ve tried a few times to get into it, and get maybe 20 levels into it, then stop. My main incentive is simply so we could get some more Mozaks out into the Mutant side. My favorite crafted item is my Xeno Goo Dropper of Avoidance courtesy of Snap. It’s so fantastically awesome.

What is your weapon of choice?
Ventrilo :p I have no idea how many times this weapon when harnessed correctly has got me Tokens and saved me (usually at the same time).


What is your favorite ride?
My Bravos-14 Sledgehammer Messiah. It’s just a great ride in every respect, even the look of it is made of awesomeness.

Which junk item do you refuse to get rid of?
Coils. I don’t spec in power plants at all but I just keep them for some reason.

What is your favorite NPC & location in AA?
Emoh Scavs. I love the little critters and the way they talk.

Who is your Arch-Nemesis in AA (Player or other)?
It’s a toss up between Arli, Insi and Bill Farley. All of them are really good players.

What is your favorite moment you’ve experienced in AA?
Soloing my first Bounty Hunter in their BuckUp. I’m sure everyone in Ventrilo was waiting for me to shutup about it hours later.

What song/genre you like to listen while playing AA?
Depends on what kind of a music bender I’m on. Lately it’s been alot of Reel Big Fish and Insomnium

What current feature would you change in AA to make it better?
Insert customization back into the end game chassis. At the moment everyone tends to drive a Switter, BuckUp or Mozak. And they all look the same. It kind of just kills the individuality of players.

Which new AA features would you like to see in the future?
Perhaps more end game content, and an actual bridging defense-wise of armors to help against all the weapons that seem to be introduced.

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