Fox wants you to know that the plot leak for Ridley Scott’s Prometheus wasn’t all that accurate, but the official description leaves us with more questions than answers.
Yesterday, a “synopsis” to the upcoming Ridley Scott film Prometheus was supposedly leaked on the Web. However, the proposed storyline was … well … it wasn’t of the quality that most folks expect of a Ridley Scott movie, and reader reception was pretty mixed. Now, Fox has countered the leak with its own official breakdown on the film’s premise.
Fox announced that yesterday’s synopsis wasn’t entirely accurate. As a response, it revealed this information:
Visionary filmmaker Ridley Scott returns to the genre he helped define, creating an original science fiction epic set in the most dangerous corners of the universe. The film takes a team of scientists and explorers on a thrilling journey that will test their physical and mental limits and strand them on a distant world, where they will discover the answers to our most profound questions and to life’s ultimate mystery.
OK, on one hand, kudos are owed to Fox and Scott for managing to keep the film shrouded in so much secrecy for so long. On the other hand: Really? That’s it? That’s all you’re going to give us? We don’t even get a hint about the role the Xenomorphs are going to play in the movie?
Well, let’s look at the bright side: When it’s released in 2012, Prometheus will probably be infinitely better than the Aliens Vs. Predator movies.
Source: Screen Rant
Published: Jul 1, 2011 06:45 pm