The 8 Unmissable Golden Globe Nominees

This article is over 9 years old and may contain outdated information

The nominees for this year’s Golden Globe Awards have been announced. Today we go through and pick out eight great films and series that just might win the whole thing. So take a look and tell us which nominees should have been on this list.


Michael Keaton returns as the title character in this years’s Birdman. This film puts Mr. Keaton in familiar shoes, as he plays an actor that once portrayed a winged superhero on the big screen. That should sound familiar because that’s basically Michael Keaton. This film centers around the Michael Keaton’s character Riggan Thomson as he struggles to put on a theatrical adaptation of a Raymond Carver short story. This is definitely worth your time.

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This past year’s breakout series is HBO’s True Detective. This popular series takes place in Louisiana as two detectives are hunting down a serial killer. The show takes place over eight episodes so it’s a tight and concise story that has a definite beginning, middle, and an end. The stars of the show, Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey, brought their A game and made this quite possibly the best thing to hit television since The Wire.


Boyhood is Richard Linklater’s latest film, while it may be his most recent, it was also made over a decade. They spent the ten years filming to truly capture aging on film. The film stars the Richard Linklater favorite Ethan Hawke, this marks the eighth time that the actor and director have worked together making them quite the team. So if you’re in the mood to watch a sincere film about the trials and tribulations of a boy growing up then you should really give this a whirl.


The Theory of Everything is a dramatic film about the life of Stephen Hawking. The film is based on the memoir of Jane Wilde Hawking, the wife of the renowned physicist, so it’s going to be more on the mark than pretty much any other source. If you’re looking for possible winners then look no further than this film, it tackles a very interesting topic, the actors are English, and I’m sure there’s some crying.


Jake Gyllenhaal stars in the popular film Nightcrawler. Jake plays Lou Bloom, a person of very questionable morals, who gets a camcorder and a radio scanner and uses them to follow the police and sells his videos to a local television station. This all seems like its going well until things start not going so well. This is a must see for Mr. Gyllenhaal’s performance, he’s become quite the actor with some serious talent.


The Imitation Game stars the amazing Bandicoot Cumberbund. After playing the title role in the BBC series Sherlock, and Kahn in Star Trek Into Darkness he’s turned his attention to Alan Turing. He’s done an amazing job portraying the code cracker, but it’s not all Bumbershoot Crumplefork, he’s joined by veteran actors Keira Knightley and Matthew Goode. All together this looks like something everyone would enjoy, a biographical thriller starring Billabong Cuttlefish.


The Grand Budapest Hotel is the most recent film from Wes Anderson and will leave you laughing and crying. The story centers around Ralph Fiennes’ character M. Gustave and a painting left to him by a wealthy lover upon her death. If you like nice things and great acting then look no further because this movie should really will all of the awards, even the ones it wasn’t nominated for.


Oh Derek, you’re such a sad and depressing excuse of a comedy. Whoever thought that having a comedy based in a nursing home was a good idea should be sent to a nursing home. Rickey Gervais was, and is, one of the funniest people on the planet, why exactly did he make this drivel? Mr. Gervais is responsible for the best version of The Office, Life’s Too Short, and Extras. So what happened to him? He was so very talented and then he just gives up and makes this crap, although it is very reminiscent of his character in Extras after he creates a shitty sitcom.

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