Topical Tuesday: Is Art in Videogames Important?

This article is over 14 years old and may contain outdated information

Art is an integral part of many videogames, but its importance is often debated. From cartoon style characters to high resolution environments, art sets the stage for game play … but is the quality of the art important to you?

Welcome back to Topical Tuesday! Every week we ask the community a question related to our weekly magazine topic. Our goal is to begin an intelligent discussion based on a topic that’s uniquely relevant to us as gamers and nerds, and the industry we love. Opinions are welcome, but please justify your claim with support-such as quoting information from one of our featured articles-even if that requires a little research before posting. Please use examples to back-up your opinion.

Today’s question is about art in videogames. While some view high-quality art as a necessity to become immersed in a game’s story and environment, others feel as though quality art isn’t needed if gameplay is good. Which of course brings us to two very important questions:

Is quality art important to have in videogames?


What videogames do you feel have the best art? (please use [spoiler] tags if posting screenshots)

Ladies and Gentlemen, to your keyboards and discuss!

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