If you thought “Five-hundred-and-ninety-nine US dollars” was expensive, you ain’t seen nothing yet: Customized PS3 Slims that have been dipped in 24-karat gold will run you a cool five grand.
Now, this recession has been hitting almost everyone around the globe, but there are certainly some folks out there who still have more than a little money to waste. If you are one of those people, then “luxury customization service” Computer Choppers may have the thing for you: A $4,999 PS3 Slim.
Why is this PS3 Slim so expensive, you ask? The answer: Because it and its two controllers have been coated with genuine, 24-karat gold. Naturally, this is the perfect holiday gift – as long as you’re buying presents for Auric Goldfinger, anyway.
The best part? If you have even more disposable cash to burn on luxury-modified PS3s (and in which case you should be ashamed of yourself for buying your competitor’s products, Mr. Gates) then you can customize the PS3 logo even further. While you’d normally be limited to plain, run-of-the-mill-and-not-extravagant-at-all substances like chrome, black chrome, 24kt gold, white gold, rose gold, or platinum, you could get your logo decked out in, say, diamonds.
And then you could take the diamonds and use them as a power source for your orbital laser, because you are clearly a supervillain.
(Hot-Blooded Gaming via Kombo)
Published: Dec 10, 2009 03:13 pm