Update: Looks like Kmart may have jumped the gun a bit. The retail blurb reads as follows: “PS3, SLIM High-Definition Blu-ray player for the best movie experience. Free PLAYSTATION Network membership. 120GB HDD for downloading games, music, videos, and photos. Includes DUAL SHOCK 3 controller. HDMI output for 1080p resolution.”
So, there we go. Rumors of the Slim have been circulating for months now – and Sony is expected to officially unveil the PS3 Slim tonight at GamesCom, at 7:00 PM German time (1:00 PM EST). It looks like this story is nearing its end.
(Via VG247)
The original post is available below in full:
Evidence is circulating on the Internet that indicates that retailers are aware not only of an impending “new exciting PS3,” but a $100 price cut on the system as-is. Can we please announce the PS3 Slim already?
Here’s a heaping helping of fuel for the Slim PS3 rumor fire: A banner ad on the website for major retailer Kmart reads: “The Rumors Are Reality: New Low Price & A New Exciting Playstation 3.” The ad has since been pulled from the site, but it still exists – you can see it here. The picture the ad uses is admittedly their standard PS3 model, not the rumored Slim, but that might just be laziness on their part.
Kmart isn’t the only retailer who seems to know what’s up – Kotaku reports that they’d gotten their metaphorical hands on some promotional posters from FYE, advertising $100 price cuts: The 80GB PS3 is listed at $299 (from $399), while the 120GB-plus-Uncharted bundle takes its place at $399 (from $499).
As always, there’s nothing absolutely concrete yet, but what we have here is a whopping mountain of circumstantial evidence. All of said evidence points to the confirmation of rumors circulating for a few months now: The PS3 80GB is out, the PS3 Slim is in at a new attractive price.
All that remains is for the official announcement, which is expected to come later this week at GamesCom. Then, all we need is for Microsoft to announce the phasing out of the 360 Pro in combination with a $100 cut for the 360 Elite, and Ars Technica’s mole will have proven himself to be Nostra-freakin’-damus.
Unless they have a sudden desire to raise the price of the 360 out of nowhere, though.
Published: Aug 18, 2009 03:53 pm