YouTuber puts a hefty bounty on a Mario 64 glitch.
Mario 64 glitch hunter pannenkoek2012 has discovered a new Mario 64 glitch – sort of. The glitch presented in a Twitch video by someone else, and pannenkoek2012 has been unable to replicate it in order to study the code. He is now offering a $1000 bounty on the glitch, with payment going to the first person who can replicate, and obviously record, the glitch.
Streamer DOTA_TeaBag accidentally discovered the glitch during a playthrough of the Japanese version of the title during the Tick Tock Clock stage. In the original video, he was collecting the red coins, goes to leap to the next platform, and upwarps to the top of the coin area. Upwarps in Mario 64 are rare, and as pannenkoek2012 points out, typically only occur when a player jumps between a lower ceiling and a higher hangable ceiling.
The time on the clock’s face when you enter the level does contribute to changes in the board, either slowing, speeding, or completely freezing the moving parts of the stage. Considering the gears are not moving, it’s safe to say DOTA_TeaBag entered the clock at 12:00, which cuts out one small mystery of recreating the glitch.
“Recently, a video by twitch user DOTA_TeaBag was brought to my attention, in which he did an upwarp in Tick Tock Clock,” pannenkoek2012 wrote in the video description. “I believe this is a new, unexplored glitch, but unfortunately I have been unsuccessful at recreating it myself. Thus, I’m putting a bounty of $1000 on the glitch. In other words, the first person to recreate the glitch and send it to me will earn $1000 from me.”
“The submission should be a .m64 and .st file, which when played perform the glitch. To submit, you can zip up these files, upload to, and then send me the link in a comment or private message,” he continues. “The bounty will hold until the first person successfully submits a recreation of the glitch, at which point I will add the word [CLAIMED] to the end of this video’s title, and then no one else will be eligible for the prize.”
Published: Aug 6, 2015 02:04 pm