In response to a tragic death, DriveThruRPG is providing a small library of games in exchange for donations to a memorial fund charity.
We don’t always notice it, but most gaming bundles we purchase are attached to charities. Everything from the Humble Bundle to the Bundle of Holding gives a portion of proceeds to a charitable pursuits while rewarding us with games in exchange. But few go all out quite like DriveThruRPG, whose Game Masters Memorial Fund Charity Drive Bundle collects $273 of tabletop RPG books into a $20 package. And not just small indie games either – the Shadowrun Fifth Edition Core Book and Battletech RPG are both included in the spoils.
The bundle is great, but I’d be remiss not to acknowledge the tragic circumstances behind it. The Game Masters Memorial Fund Charity Drive was formed to support game designer and GM Christopher JN Banks, who tragically lost his five-year old daughter Persephone to complications from a bacterial strep infection. It’s an absolutely horrific situation, and DriveThruRPG’s contributors have responded by assembling this gaming bundle to cover the medical expenses and provide a tribute to Persephone.
Much like DriveThruRPG’s previous bundles, this set will increase your gaming collection exponentially while assisting a very worthy cause. There’s an impressive range of content here to boot, covering core games, supplements, and even floor plans that can be used in multiple systems. Even if there’s only one or two items that interest you, it’s well worth the value, and will help a fellow gamer and his family in a difficult time.
Source: DriveThruRPG
Published: Feb 26, 2015 09:39 pm