Artix Entertainment Developer Journal

This article is over 15 years old and may contain outdated information

WarCry is proud to present a new series of developer journals from the good folks at Artix Entertainment, creators of Adventure Quest Worlds (among others). Find out what’s happening in Land O’Lakes, Florida:

Can you keep a secret? Funny that — neither can we.

As far as mysteriously well hidden, unmarked coffee shops go… ours is pretty good! A quick tug on a seemingly innocent book* will slide the bookshelf revealing the passage way deep below the earth’s surface. The one and only entrance to the.. [insert some cool soundFX here in your head] SECRET UNDERGROUND LAB***. This is where the friendly and heavily caffeinated team of Artix Entertainment builds AdventureQuest, DragonFable, MechQuest and their new MMO – AdventureQuest Worlds! Here is what we are building for our players this week….

* Necronomicon for dummies

** Now 99% less secret!

AdventureQuest Worlds

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November is the month of Dragons! The new rare armored Red Dragon pet was just released for Members. It will only be available during November then…. [POOF]. He is really cute. We are working on a top secret quest in the upcoming Shadowfall area that will allow you to undead-ize the pet baby dragon of you choosing (Translated: If DEATH ever asks to pet your baby dragon… say nooooo!) We opened the Dragon’s Lair last week with our first major boss monster. So this week are introducing the giant powered armor driving Dwakel! Then we are gearing up for what we believe will be the most serious MMO food fight of all time next week. Zhoom and Minimal (our coders) have finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel of bug fixes. So the friends lists and other features we are anxious to get started on are almost ready to begin! Also, last week we opened up our first chat enabled server for free players. It is like the wild wild west there now.. but a lot of players have thanked us for adding it and we are going to continue improving the chat so that we can offer more free chat servers for players to enjoy.


As I write you a war rages on against Aishia the Ice Queen and her army of Ice Dragons. It is almost time for the boss (Screenshot would spoil the ending – you will just have to see for yourself!) Also, the first four NoobKnight quests will be released in the starting town. You will be helping the hapless Sir Ano knows how to fight, but he wants you… <chuckles> to teach him how to be a hero. This should be interesting.


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Even in a universe filled with over powered assaultmecha and the occasional talking toaster… it is DRAGON MONTH! A huge Shadowscythe (hint: they are the bad buys) armada is following a strange asteroid and the Soluna Defense Forces want you to find out why. (second hint: It is… D R A G O N R E L A T E D !)


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Take the form of a Dragon! These new temporary items will allow you to become one of four different types of Dragons. They will be available in Warlic’s shop. Also, today is the start of Harvest Fest 2008 which means… yup… Turkeysaurus Rex and Velocigobbler battle! (We should have just called it Jurrasic Thanksgiving)

Special Announcement (Child’s Play)

Child’s Play is a charity that raises money to make lives better for sick children in hospitals around the world. It was started by gamers, like you and me, and is a cause that the Artix Entertainment Team feels very strongly about. Last year, AdventureQuest, DragonFable, and MechQuest contributed their reserves and sent in a Gold level sponsorship to the charity. We had intended to match last year’s contribution again, but thanks to everyone who upgraded and became Founders of AdventureQuest Worlds, we were able to DOUBLE our donation this year! We sent in a Platinum sponsorship on their behalf to Child’s Play Charity this year! Thank you so much!

This was posted on the Child’s Play website

“What an amazing first week! Child’s Play 2008 is off to a healthy start, with donations totalling $214,591. Thanks to the donors and sponsors who stepped right up at launch to get us off to a great start. We welcome new sponsors Artix Entertainment and Colony of Gamers.

Battling off!

I hope you enjoyed reading these updates. Also, I would like to thank the War Cry Network for asking us to post developer notes here. Next time we will add some more explody things for you to make it more… you know… explody!
Battle on!

Artix & The Artix Entertainment Team

P.S. Falerin says he never gets mentioned.

Find out more about Artix and the games they make/play by CLICKING HERE.

And grateful thanks to the ever-entertaining Land O’Lakes crowd (I have to get that name in at every opportunity)!

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