The great Batman television series from the 1960s is finally coming to DVD.
For those of us of a certain age, Batman is less “brooding Dark Knight” and more “BIFF! BAM! KAPOW!” For a brief period in the 1960s, Adam West and Burt Ward brought unparalleled excitement to television sets as the crimefighting duo Batman and Robin. There was even a feature film in 1966 – the one true Bat-movie! Alas, by the summer of ’68 it was all over and while Batman lived on in reruns, it was always hit-or-miss and you could never count on continuity – which, believe it or not, was actually a consideration for much of the series.
But according to no less an authority than Conan O’Brien, that situation is about to change dramatically. “Very excited @WBHomeEnt is releasing the Batman ’66 Complete TV Series in 2014!” he tweeted earlier today. And while he cited no official sources for his announcement, it was retweeted by the official Warner Bros. Twitter account, which also noted how unusual it is that nobody’s ever seen O’Brien and Batman together in the same room.
Very excited @WBHomeEnt is releasing the Batman '66 Complete TV Series in 2014! The seat smells like Adam West: http://t.co/cqWjlpW1Gn— Conan O'Brien (@ConanOBrien) January 15, 2014
I liked Christian Bale’s Batman (and Michael Keaton was very solid too) and the flurry of Marvel superhero movies over the past few years have done a nice job of capturing the comic book ambiance, but for my money this is where the real action is. Batpoles! Bat Shark Repellent! The Batusi! And if the the Batman movie is included with the package, it’ll be my money, alright – thrown in great fistfuls at the Bat-screen. POWIE!
Source: Twitter (Conan O’Brien)
Published: Jan 16, 2014 05:59 am