Exclusive bonuses will be packed into a special edition of Dante’s Inferno at no extra cost, but only for the PlayStation 3.
Visceral Games recently announced the upcoming Dante’s Inferno: Divine Edition, a special edition of the game that will include a bunch of goodies for the regular retail price of $59.99. Shoved into the Divine Edition will be developer commentaries, a Wayne Barlowe digital art book, the Dante’s Inferno soundtrack, and a digital version of the complete Longfellow translation of Dante Alighieri’s Inferno. The Divine Edition will be exclusive to the PlayStation 3; the Xbox 360 version will only contain a measly copy of the game.
A Dante’s Inferno comic book series also just kicked off, with issue #1 now available in stores. It, like the game, follows Dante as he journeys through the nine circles of hell to rescue his beloved Beatrice. If you just can’t wait until next year to experience Dante’s quest, and don’t feel like reading the first part of the Divine Comedy, from which Dante’s Inferno draws inspiration, the comic book series could satiate your appetite for now.
Dante’s Inferno will be released on February 9, 2010, but PS3 owners again get a bonus with a demo already available on the PlayStation Network which won’t go up until December 24 on Xbox Live. The Dante’s Inferno developers seem to really love Sony, maybe because their game is so similar to Sony’s flagship God of War. This doesn’t mean Dante’s Inferno should be considered a rip-off, it’s not, but after playing a demo at GameX in October the striking similarities cannot be denied. Dante’s Inferno has its own charms too; murderous babies never came out of a demon’s boobs in God of War after all.
Published: Dec 14, 2009 02:29 pm