Wizards of the Coast, current owners of Dungeons & Dragons, are giving fans the opportunity to create a pair of D&D themed shoes that will go on sale around the world.
The worlds of fashion and table top role-playing don’t intersect that often, and it’s not unfair to say that many role-players are a little sartorially challenged. After thinking long and hard about this, Wizards of the Coast had the idea that it wasn’t the gamers who were the problem, it was the clothes, and being the community minded folk that they are, sought to redress the balance.
To that end, Wizards of the Coast has teamed up with RYZwear, who are essentially the shoe version of Threadless, for their ‘Sell Your Sole’ competition. It’s pretty simple to enter, just grab the design template from RYZ and get drawing, and it’s not just some logo that they’re after to slap on the side, entrants get to design the entire shoe, from top to bottom, so you’ll have plenty of space to work with.
You can get more info here and here. The winning entry will get $1000 in cash and a load of signed D&D goodies, although weirdly, not a pair of the shoes. Still, a thousand bucks isn’t to be sneezed at. The competition starts on the 30th, so you have a few days to get thinking. Might I suggest a unicorn with a totally badass scar and a magic sword riding on the back of Tiamat?
Published: Jun 26, 2009 03:35 pm