Game of Thrones Season 4 should hit the ground running with clashing families, wars in the North, and ever-growing dragons.
When Games of Thrones‘ third season came to a close, events seemed a lot more open-ended than one might expect. What are Jamie and Brienne doing now that they’ve arrived at Kings Landing? What’s happening to Theon in the Dreadfort? And what are the Night’s Watch doing about the wildings who crossed the wall, let alone Mance Rayder’s army in the North? The good news is now HBO can jump right into the action with Season 4, as the latest and seemingly final trailer now shows. Also appearing in the trailer? One significantly bigger dragon compared to those we last saw.
Tensions are increasing between Cersei and Tyrion, while a cleaned-up Jamie takes on a new role at King’s Landing. Daenerys is continuing her conquests along the way to Westeros, boldly challenging any her path. On the wall, Jon Snow is readying the Night’s Watch to face Mance’s army, despite fearing that it may be a futile act. But the key to Westeros seems to lie in the shattered Stark family, which the continent could rally around if only someone knew where they were.
So far it’s shaping up to be an exciting season, with only two and a half weeks to wait before the April 6th premiere. True, “Winter is coming” may not be the most appropriate catch-phrase for this time of year, but I get the feeling it won’t make much of a difference to loyal fans.
Want a Game of Thrones refresher without rewatching multiple seasons? Check out our Game of Thrones Abridged video series, now with 100% more dubbing and nipple censoring than the original.
Published: Mar 19, 2014 11:20 pm