The newest turn-based tactics game from X-COM creator Julian Gollop is Phoenix Point, and it’s now crowdfunding on Fig.
British game designer Julian Gollop has worked on many games over the years, but none are as popular as X-COM. Now he’s working on a new spiritual successor to X-COM that’s hit crowdfunding. Titled Phoenix Point, it’s a sci-fi “turn-based tactics and world-based strategy game” from Gollop and Gaming Insiders founder David Kaye, and it’s being developed by Snapshot Games.
The game is being crowdfunded on Fig, with a goal of $500,000, with $300,000 open for “reservations of Fig securities that would generate a return based on the game’s sales.”
Gollop says of the game, “We are creating Phoenix Point by taking influences from the famed X-COM franchise. We are updating our favorite gameplay features from X-COM titles such as UFO: Enemy Unknown and X-COM Apocalypse that I designed, and mixing them with some of the amazing ideas Firaxis Games executed brilliantly in their franchise reboots, to create an entirely new game whose essence lies in the XCOM genre.”
The game is scheduled to launch in Q4 of 2018 on PC, and has already been in development for over a year. If you want in on the crowdfunding, you can crowdfunded on Fig” target=”_blank”>find it on Fig[/a]
Published: Apr 25, 2017 07:30 pm