Fire up your positronic net to answer ten quick questions about some of your favorite artificial life forms.
We at The Escapist love robots. I mean we really love robots. So much, in fact, that we’ve dedicated an entire week to them, starting with today’s quiz. Burn through these ten questions, then be sure to come back tomorrow for this week’s issue, “I, Robot”, which has even more robot-y goodness for you.
As always, you can take as long as you like on the quiz, but remember your time will affect your position on the leaderboards.
Ready? Then access your databanks and take the quiz.
Got a quiz of your own you’d like to submit? Send it to [email protected]. If we use it, you’ll receive a special badge! Please be sure to put “Quiz” as the subject and include your forum name with your submission.
Published: Oct 26, 2009 01:00 pm