Will next year’s BlizzCon make the move from sunny Anaheim, California to the glitz and glamor of casinotown Las Vegas? According to the Las Vegas Convention Center, it will.
The past three BlizzCon events – celebrating all things Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo and more – have all been held right across from Disneyland in the Anaheim Convention Center. However, if this listing on the Las Vegas Convention Center’s website is correct, not only will next year’s main event be switching venues, it’ll be switching entire states.
In case this gets taken down (which isn’t hard to imagine), here’s what it says:
BlizzCon 2010
Venue: Las Vegas Convention Center
Start Date: 07/30/2010
End Date: 07/31/2010
Attendees: 30,000
URL: www.blizzcon.com
If the above information is correct, BlizzCon will be on July 30th and 31st of next year – and those two dates are Friday and Saturday, the same as with previous BlizzCon events.
We’ve pinged Blizzard for an official quote on the matter, and will update accordingly. It’s hard to imagine that a (imaginably) reputable venue like the LVCVA would just make something like that up, so there may well be truth to the matter. It’s an odd choice, though – the Anaheim center worked well for the PC developer since it was less than a half-an-hour drive from its Irvine, CA campus, making it extremely easy for Blizzard employees to enjoy the show themselves. Las Vegas is a much longer commute, though if you want to put on a show there’s no better place to be.
Personally, I’d be a bit bummed if only since it would make it harder to go visit the Blizzard offices again, but hey, Viva Las Vegas, Baby!
Update: Blizzard, predictably, is staying mum: “We haven’t announced any details regarding our next BlizzCon, so please refrain from making any travel plans at this time.”
Don’t book your tickets to Vegas just yet, folks.
(via WoW.com)
Published: Nov 13, 2009 02:45 pm