Citizens of New York City were shocked and astounded yesterday when they discovered that the streets of their fair city had been overrun by a raging horde of wild, ravenous sheep.
FarmVillle English Countryside went live last week, giving FarmVille fans a chance to set up shop in a brand-new location in, you guessed it, the English countryside. Players can access the new game, featuring “English-inspired” characters, crops and buildings, once they hit level 20 in the original FarmVille. And what better way to bring the message to the world than to bring a herd of even-toed ungulates to the Big Apple?
Sheep play a big part in the new game because for the first time ever, players can crossbreed rams and ewes to create unique lambs with characteristics from both parents. Each lamb can be named and kept or shared with other players, and once fully grown can be bred to create new traits and family trees. It sounds positively diabolical.
And no, it’s not exactly a huge flock roaming the streets, but it’s sheep in downtown New York City! With a bunch of tweedy, Wellies-wearing English farmers, no less. This amuses me greatly.
Published: Mar 30, 2011 03:39 pm