New Trailer Shows Off Street Fighter V‘s Guile

Guile returns to the fight as Street Fighter V‘s newest roster addition.

Capcom has released a trailer, showing off Guile, the next confirmed DLC character making his way to the game. Spoiler alert: his hair is excellent.

DLC for Street Fighter V is available via in-game currency, aka Fight Money, a well as for purchase using Zenny, which is available in exchange for real currency. As the Zenny shop is still not available, a post on Capcom’s blog confirms that Guile will be available for free later this month, until the Zenny shop launches.

Capcom also announced the game’s first DLC stage, the Air Force Base stage, which is available for 70,000FM, but is complimentary to all Season Pass holders. The company also addressed the rage quit issue, saying that it is implementing a system to punish players who “frequently disconnect during matches.”

“The way this will work is the system will identify players who have high disconnect rates during matches and will lock them out of matchmaking for a period of time,” the post reads. “Players who have been identified as abusing the system will receive an in-game message notifying them they have been locked out of matchmaking. More additions and enhancements to this system will be implemented in the future.”

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