Escapist Expo 2013 Opens Cosplay Contest Signups

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“Dress to impress” takes on a whole new meaning at Escapist Expo 2013.

At the first ever Escapist Expo last year, cosplayers turned out in droves. The D20 Girls even helped us put on a contest to celebrate the community’s fondness for costumes. This year, we’re at it again, thanks once again to the help of the D20 Girls. We’ve even opened up early registration for Expo 2013’s Cosplay Contest.

You’ll definitely want to check out our Cosplay Rules and Guidelines to ensure that your costume meets all of the requirements, and doesn’t violate any of the banned item regulations in place. These rules are, of course, here for your safety and to ensure everybody’s enjoyment of Expo, so please don’t twist, bend, or otherwise fail to adhere to the posted rules!

Escapist Expo 2013 takes place October 4, 5, and 6 at the Durham Convention Center in Durham, North Carolina. That’s just three months away, for those of you keeping track, so now’s a great time to get your tickets and sign up for the Cosplay Contest! If you’re interested in joining the Expo 2013 Volunteer group, the Hard Corps, you can do that right here.

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