Jujutsu Kaisen‘s popularity is a double-edged sword. There’s praise for its incredible visuals, dynamic fights, and intense storytelling. However, many of those story beats end up becoming memes, including one that is now Satoru Gojo’s most famous line: “Nah, I’d Win.”
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo’s Nah I’d Win Explained

The popular meme of Gojo saying “Nah, I’d win” dates back to early on in the series, though the line hadn’t been as popular when it was first said. After Yuji Itadori is brought to Jujutsu High, Gojo explains that Sukuna was an incredibly powerful sorcerer in the Heian era of Japan. After Sukuna’s overwhelming strength is explained, Sukuna manifests himself on Yuji’s face, threatening to kill Gojo first once he regains control of Yuji’s body. At this point, Gojo proclaimed himself as the strongest, so naturally, Yuji was curious and concerned, asking if Gojo could beat Sukuna when he was at full strength.
Gojo’s answer to that question is brought back much later on in the series when Sukuna is at full strength and ready to battle. The chapter right before the two are set to fight ends with a one-page spread of Gojo’s face, filled with bravado, and the single speech bubble of “Nah, I’d win.” The line mostly gained relevance after Viz Media’s English release of the chapter, which originally had Gojo just saying “No.” Fans thought that it was odd that the manga would flash back to when Gojo originally said, “Nah, I’d win,” but not have him say it again to bring the story full circle.
When Viz edited the chapter and included Gojo’s original answer from hundreds of chapters ago, the internet had already taken the line and run with it. What’s more, the outcome of the battle between Gojo and Sukuna made the line ironic, so much so that people from all over the internet began to make different variations of the same manga panel.
There have been many variations of the meme, such as Gojo being replaced with another character in Jujutsu Kaisen famous for losing, namely the special grade curse Jogo. Gojo’s mythic status as the strongest character in Jujutsu Kaisen has almost been overshadowed by this meme, and the original mistranslation only added fuel to the fire. However, it has provided fans of various anime and manga to poke fun at their own favorite characters, as is evident by the Vegeta fan art in the tweet above.
And that’s how Jujutsu Kaisen‘s “Nah, I’d win” meme came to be.
Jujutsu Kaisen is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Published: May 4, 2024 06:29 pm