“Kinetics – The Defender’s Guide v3.0” by Ladioss_Sopp

This article is over 19 years old and may contain outdated information

Here is the Updated Kinetics Guide 3.0 with changes and updates for Issue 2. Changes from the previous guide are marked with a bullet and listed at the bottom of the guide.

All effect’s number effects are BASE UNENHANCED numbers. This should let you accurately figure your effect from these powers after applying enhancements.

Remember, controller effects are only 75-80% as effective as the base effect numbers listed in the thread.

Kinetics – The Defender’s Guide v3.0

Transfusion (Level 1) – Transfusion is a AE heal power that is centered around the target. The area is fairly large and extends slightly beyond the visible effect. Transfusion has one of the fastest activation times and recharges of all the AE heals. This is to compensate for the to-hit roll and target-centered nature of the power.

Healing effect: Transfusion scales from 19.61 points of healing at level 1 to 209.90 points of healing at level 50. This progression is not strictly linear, but works out to roughly to a base of 16.61 healing +3 per level from 1-10, +4 from 11-20, +5 from 21-30, +6 from 31-40, +1.5 from 41-50.*
Endurance Debuff: The target of this power will lose 20pts of endurance. This effect will vary depending upon the relative level of the mob compared to yours.
Endurance Cost: 7.5
Activation: 1s
Recharge: 8s
Range: 60
Base Accuracy: 90%
Duration: Instant
Enhancers Available: +ACC, +END Drain, -END, +Heal, +Range, -Rec

Siphon Power (Level 1) – Siphon Power is a combination damage debuff/buff. It is a single target power and after landing a successful hit will provide a AE damage buff to all those around the user. The AE portion of this power covers a decent area and takes some practice to get it to affect the most teammates possible. Siphon Power is one of the great staples of the Kinetics set and I highly recommend learning how to use both the buff and debuff portion of this power to maximum effect.

Damage Buff: The buff of Siphon Power is an even 20% to the base damage of an attack power. Other than time limitations and the maximum cap on a damage power there is no stacking limit to the amount of times this buff can be applied to a hero. This buff also stacks with the buff from Fulcrum Shift.
Damage Debuff: The debuff portion of siphon power is a 25% reduction in damage. This can be stacked on a target multiple times and the maximum debuff to a target’s damage dealing potential is 90%. This effect scales with the relative level of the target.*
Endurance Cost: 15
Activation: 2s
Recharge: 20s
Range: 80
Base Accuracy: 75%
Duration: 30s
Enhancers Available: +ACC, -END, +Range, -REC

Repel (Level 2) – Repel is a personal force field that will automatically knockback any enemy that touches its area of effect. Repel has use as both a personal/team protection power and as a lockdown power against dangerous enemies.

Knockdown Buff: The field is slightly larger than melee range and therefore is good, although not complete, protection from melee damage. The power has a continous endurance cost and will also use a small amount of extra endurance each time the field knocks an enemeny down. Note that enemies resistant or immune to knockback will ignore Repel.
Endurance Cost: 1.5 per pulse
Activation: 1s
Recharge: 20s
Range: Melee
Base Accuracy: n/a
Duration: Toggle
Enhancers Available: -END, +Knockback, -REC

Siphon Speed (Level 6) – Siphon Speed is a combination speed debuff/buff. Like most kinetics powers it requires a successful hit against an enemy target and then provides the user with a boost to his speed. This power has great use as both a travel power and a excellent long duration snare. This power combined with Inertial Reduction can eliminate the need for a Kineticist to take a pool travel power.

Speed Buff: Siphon Speed provides a movement speed buff that applies to all movement powers, except Teleportation. This will increase ground movement to a speed slightly faster than base Super Speed. This effect scales with the relative level of the target.*
Speed Debuff: Siphon Speed debuffs the target’s movement speed considerably. Speed can only be reduced to a minimum of 10% of the creature’s top speed. This effect scales with the relative level of the target.*
Endurance Cost: 11.5
Activation: 5s
Recharge: 60s
Range: 80
Base Accuracy: 75%
Duration: 60s
Enhancers Available: +ACC, -END, +Range, -REC, +Run

Increase Density (Level 8) – Increase Density is a ally targetted buff to damage resistance and protection from status effects. This is the first of kinetic’s two ally targetted buffs. It provides decent protection as a resistance power, but where it really shines is as a means to remove and protect from ill effects from mobs such as ink men and abberants. Increase Density has a slight disadvantage in that it slows the movement speed of the target slightly.*

Resistance Buff: Increase Density provides a base of 25% resistance against Smashing and Energy damage. Note that a character’s damage resistance cannot exceed 90%.
Effects Buff: Increase Density provides a strong buff against Disorient, Hold, and Immobilization effects. It also frees the target from these effects if they are active when hit with this power.
Speed Debuff: Increase Density debuffs the target’s movement slightly.
Endurance Cost: 12
Activation: 2s
Recharge: 3s
Range: 70
Base Accuracy: n/a
Duration: 60s
Enhancers Available: -END, +Range, -REC, +RES

Speed Boost (Level 12) – Speed Boost is the second ally targetted buff in the kinetics line. This power has several beneficial effects which include an increase in movement speed, an increase in endurance recharge, and a reduction to power recharge rates. This power is one of the staples of the kinetics line and is your first “high demand” grouping power.*

Speed Buff: Speed Boost increases the target’s movement speed to all movement powers, except teleportation, by a significant amount. The ground speed is slightly less than base Super Speed.
Endurance Buff: Speed Boost will improve the target’s endurance regeneration by a base of 30%. For Reference the base end regeneration rate is 1.66 end/sec.
Recharge Buff: Speed Boost provides a 50% reduction to the recharge time of the target’s powers. Recharge reduction uses the X/(1+Y) formula, where X is base recharge and Y is the total amount of reduction expressed as a decimal.*
Endurance Cost: 11
Activation: 1s
Recharge: 2s
Range: 50
Base Accuracy: n/a
Duration: 120s
Enhancers Available: -END, +END Recovery, +Range, -REC, +Run

Inertial Reduction (Level 18) – Inertial Reduction is a AE movement power. It will provide all characters within the AE at the time of casting with the Super Jump power. This is a good personal travel power and can be very useful to groups as IR is faster than Flight and able to clear obstacles better than Super Speed. Unlike actual Super Jump, IR takes no endurance to use after the initial cost.

Leaping Buff: IR grants all affected by it with the equivalent of the Super Jump power. All other leaping powers will stack with IR. Note that your maximum jump height will not increase, but instead your maximum jump length will improve.*
Endurance Cost: 34
Activation: 2s
Recharge: 60s
Range: PBAoE
Base Accuracy: n/a
Duration: 60s
Enhancers Available: -END, +Jump, -REC

Transference (Level 26) – Transference is a targetable endurance drain/endurance heal much like transfusion. Like transfusion this power is centered around the target and has to hit the target in order to function. This power is one of the most powerful abilities in the Kinetics line. The endurance drain of this power is a useful form of defense that can be used to negate powerful enemies since they no longer have any endurance to power their strongest attacks.*
Endurance Buff: All allies around the target will instantly receive a base of 40pts of endurance when this power goes off.
Endurance Debuff: The target of this power will lose around 50pts of endurance. This effect scales with the relative level of the mob to the user.
Endurance Cost: 4
Activation: 3s
Recharge: 30s
Range: 60
Base Accuracy: 90%
Duration: Instant
Enhancers Available: +ACC, -END, +END Drain, +END Recovery, +Range, -REC

Fulcrum Shift (Level 32) – Fulcrum Shift is the crowning power of Kinetics and delivers upon its’ promise of “dramatically turning the tide of battle”. This power acts as a mass Siphon Power. The target of this power and enemies within the AE get hit with a Damage Debuff. Each affected enemy then radiates an AE damage buff for you and any allies near that enemy. You also create an AE buff that is centered around you as well. Just a small cluster of enemies can easily add 100% damage to those in melee range and if you hit the right clusters its possible to stack icons from one side of the screen to the other. This power’s effect also stacks with those of Siphon Power. This power can easily make every member of your team hit the +damage cap for their powers.*

Damage Buff: Fulcrum Shift provides one +20% damage buff per enemy affected by this power. In addition the user of this power radiates an AE buff that provides a +40% damage buff.*
Damage Debuff: Each target affected by Fulcrum Shift suffers a 20% reduction in his damage dealing. The target’s damage cannot be reduced to less than 10% of his original damage. This effect scales with the relative level of the mob.*
Endurance Cost: 22.5
Activation: 2s
Recharge: 60s
Range: 60
Base Accuracy: 65%
Duration: 45s*
Enhancers Available: +ACC, -END, +Range, -REC


*Changes from v2.0 to v3.0

[li] Removed several of my opinions from the guide. I’m trying to make this as objective a document as possible.
[li] Added notes anywhere it was appropriate for powers that scale with mob level.
[li] Transfusion: Changed the base level of heal provided, I would love to narrow these numbers down more if anyone wants to test transfusion and report those unenhanced numbers to me I would appreciate it.
[li] Speed Boost: Changed the recharge reduction from 30% to 50%. This reflects better testing techniques and also is supported by other’s testing.
[li] Fulcrum Shift: Changed the description text to describe more clearly how this power works. Also included the +40% buff, lowered the debuff from 25% to 20%, and upped the duration from 30s to 45s. These were all changes introduced in Issue 2.

As always I appreciate comments and feedback.

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