Incredipede‘s Quozzle can grow whatever she needs to succeed, including limbs and wings.
Okay, arachnophobes in the audience should not look at Incredipede‘s trailer, but everyone else should, especially if you like peculiar physics puzzles. Quozzle can grow her own limbs and, though this helps her navigate the game world, the results of this life-bending experiment can be a little … eerie. The levels are gorgeous, mind you; even when Quozzle’s limbs are burning in lava, the background’s something to look at.
Quozzle’s exploring the terrain to find her sisters and, while the trailer doesn’t hint at enemies as such, the environment is enough to cause even someone as flexible as Quozzle grief. There are sixty levels and three game worlds in all, plus a level editor so you can puzzle other Quozzles.
“It’s been a long, hard road,” said developer Colin Northway, who created Incredipede while travelling in Honduras last year. “I think of that time as time spent hacking away vines in the jungle looking for the golden city,” Northway sighed. “Now I’m finally ready to haul my finds back to civilization and put on a show!”
PC and Mac users can have game now via developers Northway Games for $14.99; Northway hopes to take this to Steam Greenlight later.
Source: Incredipede
Published: Oct 26, 2012 02:05 pm