Developers and gamers alike are happy with the motion controller, says Kinect’s creative director.
Kudo Tsunoda says that Microsoft never felt the need to defend Kinect from core gamers. In fact, the opposite is true, he says, and core gamers were actually excited about the motion controller and the possibilities that it offered.
“I never really thought that core gamers were in any way hostile to Kinect,” Tsunoda said. “People saying: ‘Wow, we’d really love to have Kinect in the games that we love to play and the genres and types of games we like to enjoy,’… to me that’s saying like, ‘We really love Kinect, and we’d like Kinect to be in the experiences that we play regularly.'”
Tsunoda used himself as an example, saying that he had been playing videogames since he was five years old and was a core gamer through and through. He added that he was happy with Kinect, and with the fact that developers and gamers seemed to be interested in it. He said that the number of “Kinect experiences” would not only triple before the end of the year, they would also become more varied. He said that one of the Xbox 360’s biggest strengths was that there was something on the console for everyone, irrespective of whether they were a core or casual gamer.
Tsunoda doesn’t seem to be telling the whole story here, as you need only spend a few minutes on the videogame forum of your choosing to find core gamers who don’t like the Kinect. Of course, it’s entirely possible, and wholly likely if Tsunoda is to be believed, that they are just a very vocal minority. There are undoubtedly plenty of core games – myself included – who are at the very least intrigued by what motion and voice recognition might add to core games. The button less interface makes Kinect a difficult fit for some games, but used in concert with a controller – as with Mass Effect 3 – it could come into its own.
Source: CVG
Published: Jun 15, 2011 01:12 pm