The latest 30-second The Force Awakens TV spot focuses on Finn, and has a bunch of new footage.
Disney has just released a new short trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and boy does it contain a bunch of new footage. It’s only thirty seconds long, so go ahead and check it out to the right.
This new trailer has a focus on the ex-Stormtrooper (maybe?) Jedi-in-training Finn. It has him following a similar path to the young Skywalker in the original trilogy, honing his force abilities and learning about the world around him. The most interesting sequence has him fighting against a bad-ass Stormtrooper who seems to be able to go head-to-head with a lightsaber wielding Jedi. What the heck is that staff-thingy made of, to not get immediately cleaved in half?
The trailer also shows Finn interacting with series mainstay Han Solo, and even puts him behind the controls of the Millennium Falcon for a brief moment.
It is a very short trailer, but it looks like Disney is ramping up the frequency of which it releases new footage from the flick.
Source: Disney
Published: Nov 19, 2015 06:14 am