Do you want to take a look behind the scenes of Jerry Bruckheimer’s Prince of Persia film adaptation starring Donnie Darko and Donnie Darko’s well-muscled bare chest? Of course you do.
From Street Fighter and Wing Commander to Max Payne and Doom, videogame movies have a disturbingly poor success rate. If there’s any one game-to-film adaptation that stands an honest chance at being genuinely good, though, it’s the Prince of Persia adaptation made by the people who turned a freaking Disneyworld ride into a swashbuckling adventure on the high seas, and starring that one guy who played the gay cowboy who was in love with the Joker.
This latest behind-the-scenes look at leading man Jake Gilliananderson has some footage we’ve seen before in the surprisingly decent trailer, but also some brand-new stuff that we haven’t yet seen before. There’s plenty of action, with the eponymous Prince of Persia (or, as the movie knows him, Prince Dastan) running his way across rooftops, being generally acrobatic in fights, and making silly faces at pretty harem girls.
Oh, and Jake G (no relation to Kenny) has clearly been doing his prep work for this role, as we see when he takes off his shirt. I mean, we aren’t talking King-Leonidas-in-300 ripped or anything, but damn! Guy’s looking good! I admit to still being kind of bummed that they didn’t end up casting the genuine Persian prince for the role, but Jake Gellopudding may end up doing a solid job of it nonetheless.
(Latino Review via Kotaku)
Published: Dec 16, 2009 04:16 pm