Halloween is coming and so is Dragon Age: Origins, so BioWare has decided to mash them together in a contest with a mighty cool prize for the winners.
I’ve always been a big fan of Halloween, first as a kid prowling the night for sugary eats and now as an adult, doing my best to scare tears out of the new generation. It’s fun for everyone! Bioware Community Coordinator Chris Priestly feels the same way and he’s decided to share his love of junk food and devil worship with Dragon Age fans everywhere through a contest that just about anyone can win.
The rules are simple: Just submit some sort of Halloween-themed Dragon Age: Origins art or images to [email protected]. “Pretty much any visual Dragon Age work” will do, he said, although there are some restrictions: Entries must be a new and original work, “obviously Dragon Age related” yet still distinctly “Halloween-ey.” And, as usual for this thing, Priestly and the gang reserve the right to call it as they see it. “Some effort needs to be made,” he said. “I can make my own really bad crayon stick figures.”
And what do you stand to win for all this? Nothing less than the European press edition of Dragon Age: Origins (albeit without the game discs), which includes an exclusive art book that was only given to a “very select few journalists in Europe,” an audio introduction from BioWare co-founders Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka and a cloth map that’s big and tough enough to double as the wrapping for the entire package. “Even members of the DA: O dev team don’t have these,” Priestly said. “They are super rare.”
Making it even better, the contest won’t be based on the ‘best” entry but will instead be a random draw, so even people with the artistic ability of a fence post have a shot at winning as long as they put some effort into it. Two copies of the Dragon Age: Origins European press kit are up for grabs and Priestly said he’ll send them to the winners no matter where they live. Entries are being taken until 11:59 pm on October 18, so get to it!
Published: Oct 5, 2009 09:26 pm