Valve has delayed the launch of Steam Deck by roughly two months, now expecting to start shipping the handheld gaming platform in February 2022. The Steam Deck delay comes as a result of an ongoing global supply chain materials shortage, and though Valve had been attempting to mitigate the problem, the challenges just became too much. Here is the full statement from Valve:
The launch of Steam Deck will be delayed by two months. We’re sorry about this—we did our best to work around the global supply chain issues, but due to material shortages, components aren’t reaching our manufacturing facilities in time for us to meet our initial launch dates.
Based on our updated build estimates, Steam Deck will start shipping to customers February 2022. This will be the new start date of the reservation queue—all reservation holders keep their place in line but dates will shift back accordingly. Reservation date estimates will be updated shortly after this announcement.
Again, we’re sorry we won’t be able to make our original ship date. We’ll continue working to improve reservation dates based on the new timeline, and will keep folks updated as we go.
To view your updated expected order availability and FAQ, please visit
Valve formally announced Steam Deck back in July, and it subsequently opened preorders for three different versions of the unit, which we detailed in a previous report.
Published: Nov 10, 2021 03:18 pm