Sony’s PSN Store leaks the release date of The Last of Us’ “Left Behind” single-player DLC.
While Sony or Naughty Dog has yet to announce an official release date for The Last of Us’ first single-player DLC “Left Behind,” it seems the PlayStation Network Store on the PS3 has accidentally revealed when it will be available ahead of its announcement. According to a PSN Store image NeoGAF user LittleToaster took, Left Behind will be available for download next month on February 14. Also. checking the Sony Entertainment Network store, you can see that the date for the DLC has changed from its original listing of March 31 to February 14. Given that the February release date is on two Sony stores, chances are this is the real deal and not just a store error.
Left Behind won’t just introduce a new character into the fold, but Ellie’s actress Ashley Johnson also says we’ll see a more “playful” side to her in-game persona.
Just in case you still didn’t know, Naughty Dog’s third-person action-adventure game won The Escapist’s “Game of the Year” award for 2013, and make sure to read up to understand why The Last of Us has garnered one award after another.
Source: NeoGAF
Published: Jan 15, 2014 11:08 am