A new Guitar Hero title is reportedly in development for current-gen consoles.
Earlier in the year, we heard that the Rock Band simulator: Rock Band would be making a comeback following a rather lengthy hiatus. Fans were cautiously optimistic, as while the games were fun, a kind of plastic instrument arms race between Rock Band and rival Guitar Hero caused the genre to self-destruct fairly prematurely. Now, not to be outdone by it’s old enemy, a report is suggesting that Activision will be bringing Guitar Hero back from the dead to square off against Rock Band once again.
Eagle-eyed NeoGAFer’s first spotted the report on European magazine Gamereactor, which described a Guitar Hero press event for German journos. Obviously, someone hit the “publish” button way too early, as the site quickly pulled the article. The internet, as always, never forgets, and the text of the report in full was as follows:
Activision seems to be ready to present a new Guitar Hero prior to E3 (plenty of rumors of a reboot have been circulating). At least this is what is being suggested by an invitation that was sent out by Activision to media representatives in Germany. The mail states that an event is scheduled for April 1st 2015 taking place in “Hamburg Rock City”. Among other things, the publisher would be happy if the journos would “rock the shack with us!” – a pretty clear indication that this is to do with a new music game and given the rumors of a new Guitar Hero.
While the game is not specifically mentioned, given the wording of the invitation combined with the immediacy of Rock Band 4‘s release, it would seem that Activision is indeed prepping a new Guitar Hero.
Let’s just hope they have more than a year between releases, and that there isn’t a new plastic thing to buy with each one…
Source: Gamereactor via NeoGAF
Published: Mar 24, 2015 02:45 am