Insert inappropriate Metapod joke here.
Whenever anything major releases, porn searches often see some sort of impact. When Fallout 4 released, for example, PornHub traffic dropped by 10%. Alternately, the Game of Thrones Season 6 premiere resulted in a 4% decrease during the hour of the episode, but also impacted GOT related searches – the day of the premiere, Game of Thrones related searches “shot up,” peaking at 370%. So the question must be asked – did Pokemon Go, the AR mobile gaming phenomenon, impact porn searches and traffic?
The answer is: weirdly, yes.
As of July 11, PornHub reports that Pokemon-related searches were 136% above the pre-release average (yes, there was a pre-release average), and as the game releases in additional countries, PornHub anticipates similar increases in interest. Men are 62% more likely to be searching for PokePorn, and the 18-24 year old range is 336% more likely than all other age groups to be searching for Pokemon. So where are the people most likely to be searching for Pokemon-related Porn?
“Although Pokemon Go was only released in the United States on July 6, we looked to see what countries were most interested in Pokemon searches,” the post reads. “Proportionately, most of the top 20 Pokemon countries are in Central and South America with Bolivia, Peru and Chile in the lead. Brazil ranks 11th for Pokemon searches, and in our last Year in Review we found that Pokemon searches there had grown 157% over the last year.”
Perhaps this is where all the Legendaries are hiding?
Published: Jul 13, 2016 05:00 pm