In Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, the Poppy Fields Side Quest gives players the option to choose between a new Assault Rifle or 1,000 Coupons upon completion. However, it presents some unique and difficult challenges. Here’s how to complete the Poppy Fields Quest in Stalker 2.
How To Activate the Poppy Fields Quest in Stalker 2

To begin the Poppy Fields Quest, you’ll need to find Mityay. He is an NPC character (pictured above) that you’ll find sitting in a corner in the Inn. The building is located in the Northwest corner of the village Zalissya. Talk to Mityay, and he’ll give you the quest. Then, check your map for the Poppy Field Point of Interest on your map. It is to the Northwest of Zalissya.
The Poppy Fields present a unique challenge with specific environmental hazards. Before you head to the Poppy Fields themselves, check in with Warlock at the bar to trade for some gear.
What Gear Do You Need for the Poppy Fields?
The Poppy Fields side quest takes place in what appears to be a safe area. While you won’t have to engage in any combat here, environmental hazards still pose a great threat. Exposure to the Poppy can cause your character to become drowsy, pass out, and ultimately die. To prevent this, you’ll want to make sure you stock up on energy drinks.
Warlock will usually have energy drinks for sale at the bar in Zalissya. They can also occasionally be found as loot on killed Bandits. To safely get the item you need from the Poppy Fields and get out of there alive, make sure you enter the area with several energy drinks.
Related: How To Get Out of the Anomalous Field in Stalker 2
Where To Find the Religious Icon in Poppy Fields

Once you enter the mission area, an NPC named Pomor will reach out to you over the radio and tell you to check in with him. He has the location of the Religious Icon and will offer it up, but not for free. Players have the option to give Pomor 2,000 Coupons to get the location or complete a small job for him to get the location.
However, you are free to look for it yourself. Once you know the location (which we’re about to give you), it’s fairly easy to find without having to get it from Pomor. Essentially, you’re looking for an entrance to a cellar. This is a man-made hole in the ground with a ladder descending into a small room. The Religious Icon is located on a shelf down below.
The entrance to the cellar can be found on the northwestern side of the Poppy Fields in the location pictured above. The easiest way to find it is to head to the house and walk forward in a straight line away from it until you come to a clearing among the Poppy.
Should You Give the Religious Icon to Pomor or Mityay?
Once you have the Religious Icon, the map will be marked with Pomor and Mityay’s locations. Depending on which character you decide to give the Religious Icon to, you’ll receive the following rewards:
- Give the Religious Icon to Pomor – Receive the Unknown Stalker’s AR416.
- Give the Religious Icon to Mityay – Receive 1,000 Coupons.
While the prospect of a new Assault Rifle with greater stats than most you’ll find in the early game is exciting, it has a massive catch. The weapon is in the “broken” state when given to you. Broken weapons must be repaired by a technician before use, and the price to do so for the Unknown Stalker’s AR416 is very steep and more than you can ever sell the weapon for. Ultimately, you’re better off heading back to Zalissya and giving the Religious Item to Mityay for the credits.
And that’s how to complete the Poppy Fields in Stalker 2.
Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl is available now on Xbox and PC.
Published: Nov 21, 2024 01:22 pm