Three girls hanging out in Wuthering Waves.
Image Source: Kuro Games

How to Fix ‘Gateway Connection Has Timed Out’ in Wuthering Waves

Players trying to grind Wuthering Waves are having trouble getting into the game. This isn’t uncommon for a game during its early days, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to give up. Here’s how to fix the “Gateway Connection Has Timed Out” error in Wuthering Waves.

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How to Fix ‘Gateway Connection Has Timed Out’ in Wuthering Waves

Three characters hugging in Wuthering Waves. This image is part of an article about How to fix 'Gateway Connection Has Timed Out' in Wuthering Waves

With this error showing up frequently, players have taken to social media to figure out potential solutions. The first one comes via Reddit and isn’t difficult to pull off. When the “Gateway Connection Has Timed Out” error appears, try swapping to another Wi-Fi connection. If there’s only one available at the time, launching a mobile hotspot should also do the trick. Then it’s just a matter of relaunching the game.

For those who would rather play on their home network, it appears possible to connect to the hotspot and then switch back to the original Wi-Fi after getting to the main page. However, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, so staying on the hotspot is probably a good idea, at least for that session.

Other players are reporting using a virtual private network, aka VPN. That probably only applies to people who already have experience using VPNs, as it’s not worth setting one up for a game like Wuthering Waves, but the option is there for truly desperate gamers.

Related: Wuthering Waves: All Pre-Registration Rewards and How to Claim Them

Finally, before trying the first two options, simply restarting the game could make the Wuthering Waves error disappear. That solution may sound a bit too simple, but it’s the oldest trick in the book for a reason.

And that’s how to fix the ‘Gateway Connection Has Timed Out’ error in Wuthering Waves.

Wuthering Waves is available on PlayStation, PC, iOS, and Android.

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Image of Jackson Hayes
Jackson Hayes
Jackson Hayes is an Associate Editor at The Escapist. Starting his writing career in 2017, he quickly rose the ranks and became an editor. He's spent the last six years working at outlets such as CBR, Heroic Hollywood and Full Circle Cinema, where he's covered various sports games, Call of Duty, the MCU, and other major properties. You can follow him on Twitter @jacksonhayes67