The acclaimed anime series Hunter x Hunter has been off the air since 2014, completing its adaptation of Yoshihiro Togashiās best-selling manga of the same name. However, with Togashi working on new chapters of the manga series, fans are wondering if the Hunter x Hunter anime will similarly return.
Will the Hunter x Hunter Anime Return?
With currently no set schedule for the Hunter x Hunter manga series to return and conclude the story, there similarly are no announced plans for the Hunter x Hunter anime series to return. Given the popularity of both the Hunter x Hunter manga and anime, the likelihood for the anime series to return in some capacity is strong, but likely only when the full story has been told. As such, itās also unclear if the anime would return for a Hunter x Hunter Season 7 or launch a standalone sequel series like Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War.
The first Hunter x Hunter anime series ran from 1999 to 2001, ending because most of the existing manga source material had been adapted at that time. A new Hunter x Hunter anime adaptation premiered in 2011, retelling the story from the beginning and hewing more faithfully to the manga than the preceding series had. Just like its predecessor, this anime series concluded in 2014 after it had adapted most of the existing manga at that point.
The delays in theĀ Hunter x HunterĀ manga completing its story haveĀ been attributedĀ to various causes,Ā including Togashiās health issues. Togashi has prepared several endings for his long-runningĀ story, including one to be completedĀ in the event that he passes awayĀ before he can finish the manga series himself.Ā In some form or another,Ā theĀ Hunter x HunterĀ story will be finished, and given the size of the fan baseĀ around the world, it feels likely that the anime will return to complete the story it began adapting.
And that’s whether the Hunter x Hunter anime will return.
Hunter x Hunter is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Published: May 24, 2024 09:19 am