Remember when we said that the new Little Sister figurines would look perfect next to the Big Daddy that came with the collector’s edition of BioShock? Turns out we were right.
I’ve always wanted one of those swanky glass display cases for my videogame paraphernalia, and 2K’s Christmas present gives me the perfect excuse to finally go out and get one. The Little Sister is pretty damn nifty all on its own, but next to her very own Mr. Bubbles protector, she’s all but impossible to resist.
You can pick up your very own Little Sister at the Take Two store for just ten bucks, or you can just wait until I get that glass display case and plan a movie-style heist. Just watch out for the super high-tech security system, complete with lasers, traps, and a very cranky cat.
Published: Dec 23, 2008 02:03 am