Disgraced “Edge” man Tim Langdell is apparently back in the game development business with a brand-new iPhone release called EDGEbobby 2.
When last we heard from Tim Langdell, he was getting his ass handed to him by a U.K. judge who noted, among other things, that there is absolutely no documentation to back up Langdell’s claim that Edge Games is even still in the business of making videogames. That’s been a sticking point for Langdell’s critics, who have long complained that while the man is always at the ready to threaten legal action over any perceived infringement of the term “edge,” he hasn’t actually made a videogame in years.
Yet Edge Games is apparently back in the game with EDGEBobby2, a new App Store release described as “the sequel to the classic hit game Bobby Bearing.” The “classic hit” Bobby Bearing, as we all know, came out in 1986 for the Sinclair Spectrum, Amstrad CPC and Commodore 64.
“Bobby returns to Technofear to retrieve his brothers who have got lost again,” the App Store description says. “Easy to play, but hard to master, this arcade style action puzzle game will keep you challenged for hours.”
Despite being called EDGEBobby2 on the App Store, [or EDGEBobby2Free in the case of the free version] the official name appears to be Bobby Bearing 2: Rerolled. The full version of the game lists for 99 cents and according to Pocket Gamer, plans are afoot to bring it to Android, PC and Mac, although when that might actually happen is anyone’s guess. I’m an Android man myself so I can’t take this thing for a spin in its current condition but I do have to wonder what it’s actually like. Any iPhone owners out there feel like putting in a few minutes to satisfy my curiosity?
Published: Jul 4, 2011 05:20 pm