The second season of House of the Dragon failed to stick the landing. Explanations range from a lower episode count to script issues. Well, George R.R. Martin is teasing a blog post that explains everything, but people would prefer an update on Winds of Winter.
On his personal blog, Martin was discussing the upcoming Burning of Zozobra event when he dropped a bomb about House of the Dragon. “I do not look forward to other posts I need to write, about everything that’s gone wrong with HOUSE OF THE DRAGON… but I need to do that too, and I will,” he said.
While Martin likely wanted everyone to sit up in their chair and await his words, the exact opposite has happened. Fans are rolling their eyes on social media, being more concerned about updates on the sixth book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series Winds of Winter than anything to do with House of the Dragon.
Related: All Dragons & Their Riders in House of the Dragon
People calling for Martin to finish Winds of Winter is nothing new. The source material remaining incomplete certainly played a part in Game of Thrones‘ controversial finish on HBO, so patience has been running thin for years. It’s so bad that Logan Lucky, a comedy film starring Channing Tatum and Daniel Craig, poked fun at the delay when it came out over seven years ago.
There will be time to discuss House of the Dragon’s missteps, especially if the final two seasons fail to do justice to its characters and story. However, it doesn’t appear that fans want Martin to participate in the discourse – at least not until they have Winds of Winter on their bookshelves.
The first two seasons of House of the Dragon are streaming now on Max.
Published: Aug 30, 2024 12:04 pm