Vivox, an in-game voice chat provider, has announced new partnerships with BigWorld Technology and Icarus Studios.
Vivox continues to gain support following their recent announcement that Eve Online and Second Life would be integrating their voice technology. Today, Vivox has announced a partnership with BigWorld Technology, an MMO engine providor for games such as Dark & Light, Stargate Worlds and Tian Xia 2. “Finally, developers will be able to include a voice solution in their games that is deeply integrated, massively scalable and supported by a team of communications experts,” said Rob Seaver, the CEO of BigWorld.
Icarus Studios has also announced Vivox support for their upcoming MMORPG, Fallen Earth. The press release claims that, “Players are able to speak at will with other players in-game, create discreet team audio conference channels and join, leave and rejoin voice channels during game play without impacting game performance.” Vivox hosts all voice chat on their own servers, which should reduce the impact on a game server’s performance and bandwidth.
Published: Sep 5, 2006 04:12 pm