San Diego Comic-Con delivered Critical Role fans their first look at Prime Video’s Mighty Nein animated series. Fjord and Jester’s meet-cute, presumably in the streets of Port Damali, doubled as the audience’s introduction to the forthcoming adaptation of Critical Role’s beloved second campaign.
The minute-long animatic, shared via The Legend of Vox Machina and Mighty Nein’s joint X page, shows Laura Bailey’s Jester Lavorre fleeing directly into the arms of Travis Willingham’s newly magical Fjord.
This first Mighty Nein teaser was not the only footage Critical Role brought to San Diego Comic-Con, as the team also delivered an exclusive clip from The Legend of Vox Machina’s upcoming third season. While both animated scenes featured Critical Role characters retreating through the bustling streets of Exandria, Fjord and Jester’s is particularly noteworthy as it doesn’t directly adapt events from the Campaign 2 table.
The Fjorester moment brought to life in the Mighty Nein‘s storyboard-esque sneak peek reveals that the show will dip into the Critical Role adventurers’ pre-stream lore and character backstories. While the origins of The Mighty Nein have been explored in behind-the-scenes commentary, prequel comics, and the tie-in novel The Nine Eyes of Lucien, this first look into Prime’s adaptation of the story demonstrates that this off-stream worldbuilding will be folded into the party’s animated escapades. This undoubtedly entices Critters already excited to return to the campaign, as the adaptation now promises extra off-stream nuggets sure to delight new and returning audiences alike.
On the heels of The Legend of Vox Machina‘s success, Critical Role expanded its creative partnership with Prime Video, announcing an adaptation of The Mighty Nein’s story last year. Fans have been clamoring for an update about the series ever since, making today’s first glimpse extremely potent. All caps enthusiasm for Mighty Nein continues to pour across social media from both fans and Critical Role‘s cast, and there’s potential that even more excitement may await Critters this weekend. Both of Friday’s sneak peeks into the expanding animated world of Exandria preempt Critical Role‘s Saturday, July 27 panel at San Diego Comic-Con, which could potentially offer further teases into both of the upcoming series.
Unlike The Legend of Vox Machina‘s third season, there has not yet been an announcement as to when fans can expect the Mighty Nein‘s animated adaptation to grace their screens.
Published: Jul 26, 2024 06:59 pm