Are your photographs suffering from a distinct lack of cats? Then you need CatPaint, a new iPhone app that lets you quickly and easily integrate all the super-cute little kitties into your photos that you could possibly want.
Problem: Not enough cats. Solution: More cats! But say you don’t want the responsibility, aggravation and destroyed personal property that comes with owning more than zero real-life cats. What do you do? You download CatPaint, a new app for the iPhone that gives you all the cuteness of a clowder without any of the bloodshed, murder and loud, violent sex on the kitchen floor in the middle of the freakin’ night that comes with the real thing.
It’s so simple to use, even a dog lover could do it. Just open the cleverly designed litter box drawer, tap on one of the many kitties inside to select it and then tap somewhere on the screen to insert it into your photo. Make a mistake? Shake the iPhone gently to erase one cat, or a whole bunch to make them all disappear! For added amusement, the program also generates a range of meows, yowls and (I’m guessing here) that adorable gagging, yakking noise that means you’re about to discover a big wet surprise beside the couch.
It’s that easy! In no time at all, you’ll be sending your newly kittenized photos off to friends and family, who will no doubt be thrilled to receive them. So get started today at!
Published: Dec 2, 2009 09:25 pm