Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League just brought its fourth and final season to a close, with an ending cutscene that undoes all the Arkhamverse looter shooter’s most polarizing plot points.
That’s right: with Kill the Justice League Season 4, Episode 8’s last, motion comic-style cutscene, Rocksteady Studios and Warner Bros. Games handwave most of the game’s DC superhero deaths. It turns out the Justice League members that Harley Quinn and her pals wiped out were clones all along. This leaves these still-living Leaguers free to take part in Suicide Squad arch-baddie Brainiac’s defeat, with Batman delivering the knockout blow.
Related: Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Reportedly Lost WB $200 Million
As you might expect, the reaction to Kill the Justice League‘s ending hasn’t been great. “This was leaked months ago but so funny how the game’s story ends up being completely pointless,” wrote one X (formerly Twitter) user. “Suicide Squad is an all-time fail. It truly killed Rocksteady!” “This is a goofy as those ‘it was all a dream’ scenarios,” chimed in another.
At the same time, several people stood up for Kill the Justice League‘s clone-centric climax, noting that Rocksteady seemingly teased this pay-off was coming from the start. “It was [always Rocksteady’s plan to reveal the Justice League were clones],” pointed out one such defender. “It was heavily hinted throughout the entire story mode then basically confirmed with Superman [being resistant to Kryptonite].”
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Meanwhile, other DC devotees are just happy that Kill the Justice League’s ending spares the Arkhamverse‘s Batman from the ignominious demise visited on his clone counterpart. As one X user put it: “As much as this is a fumble of a game, I’m glad that this essentially makes the entire game’s plot pointless and [has] zero impact on the story, especially revolving around Arkham Batman.”
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is available on PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S.
Published: Jan 15, 2025 10:34 am