Ever thought how cool it’d be if Sonic the Hedgehog‘s Tails could transform into his biplane? Me neither, but now that Hasbro and Sega have unveiled their Sonic/Transformers crossover toys, I know beyond all shadow of a doubt that I need them. It’s also horribly clear that Transformers Tails wants to die.
These Sonic x Transformers figures come as a two-pack. They’re five inches tall and have Tails as a robot version of his famous biplane, while Sonic turns into his Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing. They’re dubbed Wingtail and Blue Booster and can be transformed in 32 and 27 steps, respectively.
To Hasbro’s credit, these are all-new toys; they’re not recolored versions of existing Transformers, and they come with their own weapons. Wingtail’s engine turns into a blaster, and Blue Booster boasts a ring shield and jewel accessories. And the packaging is pretty snazzy, too.

However, as much as I want this toy, part of me thinks that just glancing at them is to invite madness. Sonic has been ribbed about his one huge eye, but here, without pupils, his gaze is downright terrifying. Tails, sorry, Wingtail, is similarly dead-eyed.
It’d be less distressing if these toys came with mini-versions of Tails and Sonic, to sit in their driving seats. But, as is, it feels like the pair have been subjected to some kind of horrifying procedure, their flesh morphing into metal, the kind of body horror that even Doctor Robotnik would reject as too stomach-churningly nightmarish.

Previous crossovers have featured Ghostbusters, Star Wars, and Jurassic Park. You’ll be able to pre-order these Sonic x Transformer toys from Target, from December 10 at 1 PM ET, via this currently inactive link. Hasbro Pulse will also have limited quantities available.
However, the pair won’t ship until Summer 2025, which is plenty of time to practice not thinking about Tails’ tiny limbs twisting unnaturally as he undergoes his Tetsuo: The Iron Man-style metamorphosis.
Published: Dec 6, 2024 03:17 pm