Warning: The following article contains spoilers for The Acolyte Season 1, Episode 4, “Day.”
In The Acolyte‘s latest installment, “Day,” Ki-Adi-Mundi shouts out an impressive sounding advisory group: the Jedi High Council. So, what exactly is the Jedi High Council in Star Wars lore – and how is it related to the Jedi Council we already know?
Related: Is the Star Wars Prequels’ Ki-Adi-Mundi in The Acolyte?
Star Wars Canon’s Jedi High Council, Explained
The Jedi High Council is (as its name suggests) the Jedi Order’s highest governing authority. It consists of 12 members, all Jedi Masters (except for Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith). Their responsibilities range from overseeing peacekeeping missions on behalf of the Galactic Senate to steering the Jedi training and promotion process. The Jedi High Council is also the final word on the Jedi Code, which is effectively the Order’s rulebook. In short: if there are any big, Jedi-related decisions to be made, it’s the Jedi High Council that makes them.
Related: Is the Star Wars Prequels’ Plo Koon in The Acolyte?
If all that sounds a lot like the less fancily-named Jedi Council from the Star Wars prequels, that’s because the Jedi High Council and the High Council are the same thing! Although the term “Jedi High Council” is rarely (if ever) uttered on screen, that’s always been the body’s full name in both pre and post-Disney canon. Presumably, everyone uses the shorter “Jedi Council” name for brevity’s sake. There are other, less senior Jedi Councils, however, their names are distinctive enough that this abbreviation doesn’t cause confusion.
While we’re on the subject of the prequels’ Jedi High Council, it’s worth noting that several of its members were already on board during The Acolyte‘s earlier High Republic era setting. Yoda, Oppo Rancisis, Yarael Poof, and (potentially) Yaddle all earned their High Council seats before The Acolyte kicked off in 132 BBY. By contrast, dialogue in “Day” suggests Ki-Adi-Mundi isn’t a member yet.
How Many Other Jedi Councils Are There in Star Wars Lore?
That’s the Jedi High Council covered – but what about the other councils mentioned above? How many are there, and what do they do? There are four Jedi Councils, including the High Council. The other three are the Council of First Knowledge, the Council of Reconciliation, and the Council of Reassignment. Like the High Council, they’re each based atop one of the Jedi Temple’s four towers.
Related: The Acolyte: Do Jedi Really Take Kids From Their Families in Star Wars Canon?
The Council of First Knowledge focuses on ancient Jedi wisdom. It sets out trainee’s studies and curates the Jedi Archives. The Council of Reconciliation specializes in diplomacy. When two or more planets can’t get along, these folks get involved. Finally, the Council of Reassignment processes Younglings who don’t make the cut for Padawan. Given their secondary role, these councils typically don’t factor in live-action Star Wars productions like The Acolyte.
The Acolyte Season 1 is currently streaming on Disney+, with new episodes dropping Tuesdays.
Published: Jun 20, 2024 07:10 am