The Plucky Squire is a title that many fans have been waiting for all year, and now it’s finally here, you’re probably wondering how long it will take to beat. Now we’ve had a chance to play for ourselves, here’s how long you should expect it to take.
How Long is The Plucky Squire?

The Plucky Squire should take roughly 9 hours to beat. If you’re quick to solve the puzzles then you can probably get it done in eight, and if you take a little longer to get everything figured out then 10 hours is how long you can expect to spend before completing the game.
To put things in perspective, there are 10 chapters in The Plucky Squire. These get progressively harder as the game progresses and many utilise both 2D and 3D gameplay. In the early chapters, you’ll be getting through the game quickly, but later chapters will take substantially longer to complete, so don’t think that since you’re off to a fast start the game lacks content. It does not, and truly provides plenty of quality playtime to justify the cost.
Once you’ve completed a chapter you can always go back and work to collect the secrets you missed, so the game length can be extended if you’re someone who wants to reach 100 percent completion. We’d say that getting every secret item in the game will take you around 10 to 12 hours. Furthermore, there are a lot of unique and fun mini-games in these chapters, so you might find that once you’ve finished you just want to jump back in and relay your favorite parts.
It’s also important to remember there are two difficulties to choose from in The Plucky Squire, so if you choose Story Mode then you can expect to get through the challenges quicker than on Adventurer Mode. There’s no shame in whatever choice you make, so we suggest trying out both and settling on the one that you feel most comfortable with.
The Plucky Squire is short and sweet but by all accounts, it’s one of the best indie releases of the year, so if you’re after something new to try out then this is definitely a title to consider. The Plucky Squire is available to purchase now on PC , Xbox Series and PS5 for $29.99, with PlayStation Plus subscribers having the opportunity to download and play from day one completely for free.
Published: Sep 17, 2024 11:09 pm