Evergreen Vineyard in Once Human absolutely sprawls, especially if you take the surrounding vineyards into account, making finding crates a chore. Here’s how to find all the crates in Evergreen Vineyard in Once Human.
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How To Find All the Evergreen Vineyard Crates in Once Human
Evergreen Vineyard in Once Human features six crates: one Mystical Crate, three gear crates, and two weapon crates. For the sake of efficiency, I’ll be going into how to find each crate in the order you can stumble across them, if your starting point is the Rift Anchor. By following this guide and path, you’ll get all the crates as quickly as possible.

Gear Crate #1
The first Evergreen Vineyard gear crate in Once Human is located just down the road from the Rift Anchor. Beside the Rift Anchor, you’ll see a parking lot, and beside that, a warehouse.

Enter the warehouse from its eastern entrance, past the Vulture thugs, and you’ll see the gear crate in a fenced in cage.

You’ve likely seen this exact warehouse before while crate hunting, but if you haven’t, you can access it by riding the elevator at the back of the warehouse, then following the railing to the gear crate cage and jumping in. You’ll be able to climb back out.

Weapon Crate #1
Next, leave the warehouse and make your way to the center of the map. You’ll see a yellow house on a hill, which will feature our second crate, the weapon crate. Enter the house and you’ll find it on a coffee table to your left.

Gear Crate #2
Next, leave the house and make your way to the restaurant on the right.

Enter through the back, and you’ll find the gear crate on the bar. You can also find the recipe Signature Ice Brew in this bar and on this floor as well.

Mystical Crate
To get to the Mystical Crate, you can climb up on the bar where you found the gear crate and then mantle up to the next level. If you find this to be difficult, you can also go into the adjacent room, where you’ll find a set of stairs. That being said, the recipe mentioned earlier can be found on the bar to the right.

Weapon Crate #2
Next, leave the restaurant by the back entrance and continue southeast, crossing the road. You’ll find yourself at the back of another large building. But don’t go inside. If you’re doing or have completed the Farmside Fright quest, you’ll remember this area as featuring a random creepy scarecrow in it.

Follow the stairs down into the wine cellar. Go down the long straight hall and you’ll find the weapon crate to your right in an alcove. Return back up the way you came for the most efficient pathing.

Gear Crate #3
Finally, we have our last crate. If you returned up the stairs you initially you went down, head to the front of the building and go past the pool, to the little restaurant across.

Inside this building, on the bar, will be the final crate.
Once Human is available to play now.
Published: Jul 23, 2024 09:35 am