Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster makes a big deal of Frank West’s photography skills. And, aside from snapping zombies, villains, and the like, it challenges you to track down 100 PP Stickers. Here are all the PP sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.
Here’s Where To Find Every Pp Sticker in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster’s PP Stickers aren’t necessarily hidden, but they’re so small it’s easy to miss them. They’re little stickers, shaped like a camera, with PP on them. They’re yellow when you first see them, then become grey when you take a picture of them, or rather the object they’re on.
If you find all 100 of them, you’ll get the PP Collector achievement, but more importantly, you’ll level up a lot while doing so. You don’t need to find them all in one run, either; as long as you’re playing from the same save, e.g., restarting with that same Frank, you can spread them over several runs. Here’s where to find all those PP Stickers.
Safe House
- Bulletin board above the green cushions/sofa where you save your game
- Vent you use to enter the mall
Paradise Plaza

- Child’s Play – spiral-eyed face of the giant Servbot (the big yellow-headed toy statue)
- Colombian Roastmasters – green, round Starbucks-style sign jutting over the balcony, the one on the right
- Jill’s Sandwiches – main store entrance sign
- Kid’s Choice Clothing – main store entrance sign
- Main area – grey clock with a bird on the top
- Main area – Kid’s Choice Clothing poster on stairs near Lady About Town
- Marriage Makers – green vase
- Players – Wendy cardboard standee
- Sportrance – two basketball nets on the in-store stairs.
- Tucci’s of Rome – Green Mega Man t-shirt, on a stand
- TuneMakers – main store entrance sign
- Tykes n’ Tots – main store entrance sign
- Universe of Optics – clock
- Ye Olde Toybox – biggest bear behind the counter
Colby’s Movieland

- Entrance – Entrance sign
- Entrance – Mega Man cardboard display
- Entrance – Ratman cardboard display
- Theatre Shop – Ratman outside shop
- Theatre Shop – Ticky cardboard standee inside shop
- Theatre Shop – Ticky cardboard standee outside shop
- Ticket Booth – 4 PP stickers, one each for every poster behind the ticket booth except the Mega Man one in the middle.
Entrance Plaza

- Children’s Castle – brown teddy bear near green teddy bears
- Estelle’s Fine-Lady Cosmetics – Coquille poster behind counter
- Main area – bee clock (take photo from upstairs)
- Main area – broken entrance doors (take photo of outer doors)
- Ned’s Knicknackery – crown on cushion
- Refined Class – shoes on black pedestal
- Robsaka Digital – Ticky cardboard standee
- Robsaka Digital – Wendy cardboard standee
- Special Gifts – green vase
- Sports High – green tent
Al Fresca Plaza

This plaza has a long zombie-packed section to negotiate, so take extra care clearing out zombies before you start snapping.
- Brand New U – shoes on pedestal at front of store
- Colombian Roastmasters – sign at the front of the store
- Flexin’ – banner above green benches
- Flexin’ – exercise bikes
- Flexin’ – posters behind the counter (only one PP sticker for the whole group)
- Flexin’ – posters by the big mirror
- Flexin’ – red weight machine closest to the counter
- Flexin’ – treadmill
- Hamburger Fiefdom – menu behind counter
- Main area – Food Court sign
Food Court

- Central Tacos – main store sign
- Chris’s Fine Foods – chef statue
- Chris’s Fine Foods – chef’s head on the far wall
- Frozen Dreams – main store sign
- Jade Paradise – main store sign
- Main area – Food Court sign with bee
- Main area – Food court sign with bull
- Main area – cowboy cardboard standee
- Meat’s Burgers – main store sign
- The Dark Bean – main store sign
- Teresa’s Oven – main store sign
Wonderland Plaza

- Homerunners – picture of the baseball team celebrating, amongst the other pictures, to the left of the counter.
- Kokonutz Sports Town – main store sign
- Main area – giant rabbit inflatables (one PP sticker each, at opposite ends of the plaza)
- Main area – alien in flying saucer at the top right of the roller coaster entrance
- Main area – roller coaster sign, between the space shuttle and alien
- Main area – space shuttle at the top left of the roller coaster entrance
The sign itself is easy to snap, but the alien and space shuttle are a bit tricky. You need to stand in the area at the bottom of the roller coaster stairs, on either side, and snap from there
- Main area – two playhouses (one PP sticker each, at opposite ends of the plaza)
- Main area – windmill, near the roller coaster stairs, towards the south end of the plaza
- Scuffs & Scrapes – red t-shirt near the counter.
- Sir Book-a-Lot – main store sign
- Small Fry Duds – green and yellow balloon near to the counter
- Small Fry Duds – Kids Selection poster behind the counter
North Plaza

- Crislip’s Home Saloon – gardening as a pastime sign
- Hunting Shack – American flag, to the right of the store entrance, outside
- Hunting Shack – cowboy standee, to the left of the store entrance, outside
- Hunting Shack – two deer heads, inside (one PP sticker each)
You can get the flag and standee, but to snap the deer heads, you’ll have to go inside. That means fighting the gun store owner, Cletus, because unlike some psychopaths, his encounter doesn’t expire.
- Main area – white cherub statue, in the middle of the empty fountain
- Ripper’s Blades – sword cabinets on the left and right as you come in (one PP sticker per cabinet)
- Seon’s Food & Stuff – main store sign
- Seon’s Food & Stuff – pharmacy sign, inside the store
- Seon’s Food & Stuff – seafood sign, inside the store
- Seon’s Food & Stuff – meats sign, inside the store
For those last three, the store will be absolutely filled with zombies. But you should still be able to get this if you keep to the top of the shelves, and snap from the far end of the shelf closest to the pharmacy. Â You can also snap the meat and seafood sign for up to 90% PP.
Leisure Park

Try and get these PP on the first day, because once night falls a trio of prisoners turn up in a vehicle, with a mounted machine gun. Depending where they are, they may attack you when you pass through.
- Main area – Clock tower. Photograph the North, South and East faces for one PP sticker each
- Main area – max height sign, above the entrance to the Maintenance Tunnels
- Movieland Annex – Ticky cardboard standee
- Movieland Annex – red eye flag
To access the Movieland Annex you need to get captured by the cult. The cult turn up in Paradise Plaza during the second afternoon. Walk up to them (make sure you’ve got plenty of health) and let them attack you. One will blow dust at you, and when you get the prompt to recover, ignore it.
Related: All Major Voice Actors & Cast List for Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
You’ll find yourself in the Movieland Annex, so dash up to the red eye flag, grab the sword, and kill the cultists. You’ll get the password to leave (and you can revisit any time you get captured) plus some much deserved quiet time so you can photograph Ticky and the flag.
Maintenance Tunnels

- Main Area – Michelle Club trucks.
For Michelle Club trucks, photograph the rear doors of four trucks or vans for one PP sticker each. On your map, the trucks are by the Meat Processing Area (under Seon’s Food & Stuff), the Entrance Plaza, North Plaza and Al Fresco Plaza
- Meat Processing Area – conveyor belt
- Meat Processing Area – cuts of beef poster, furthest from the entrance
I’d recommend leaving the Meat Processing Area till last, because if you’ve brought a car, that car will de-spawn once you enter the MPA. And those are all PP Sticker locations in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is available to play now.
Published: Sep 23, 2024 05:05 pm