Developed by Shift Up, Goddess of Victory: Nikke is a popular gacha game with fun shooting mechanics we’ve never seen in other games of its genre. Whether you’re a new player or a lapsed returnee, here’s a complete progression guide to get you through Nikke.
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Goddess of Victory: Nikke Progression Overview
The early hours of Nikke will be pretty straightforward. Just like most other gacha games, you want to focus on pushing through the story campaign on Normal mode as much as possible. Eventually, after completing enough story missions, you’ll have unlocked the rest of the game’s core features like the Tower, Lost Sector, Interception, Arena, and Simulation.
These modes will become part of your daily grind, allowing you to farm resources to make your units even stronger.
Focus on Leveling Only 5 Units

The very first thing you need to keep in mind when playing Nikke is that you should only ever focus on leveling up five characters in the game. In addition to that, I’d also recommend leveling up your SR units first, then level up five SSR units once you’ve made enough pulls to be able to limit break them and raise their level caps.
The reason why you should only level five units is because you can make use of the Synchro device in the Outpost. By making use of the Synchro device, units that you place here will get automatically synced to your five highest leveled units. This means that all of your SSRs in the device will get leveled up to your five highest leveled SR units. There’s no point in trying to level every unit individually as the endgame content will lock you into using the Synchro device anyway.
Push Through the Main Story
After you’ve gotten acquainted with the Synchro device and put together your first team, push through the campaign as much as possible. Strengthen your units wherever possible by giving them gear, upgrading their equipment, and upgrading their skills.
You will eventually reach a point where you’re just no longer able to continue pushing through the campaign, and that’s when you can start turning your attention to other game modes.
Combat Simulation
Combat Simulation is one of the most important game modes you’ll need to make sure to hit up daily in Nikke. This mode serves as your main source of skill books, and it’s how you’ll strengthen your Nikkes after you’ve hit the level cap and equip them with gear.
The problem with Combat Simulation is that the rewards are scarce, which means that it’ll take you quite a bit of time to farm up enough skill books and code manuals to fully build out a character. This is why it’s imperative that you do this everyday.
Lost Sector
As you complete campaign missions in Nikke, you’ll also unlock new areas to explore in the Lost Sector. This is another crucial way of leveling up your units, as you’ll unlock these things called Batteries, which provide buffs and other passive skills that can also be leveled up.
Lost Sector stages also reward you with gems and regular Recruit Vouchers, which are always welcome. I’d also recommend joining a guild so that you can earn Union Chips, which can then be used to purchase Battery upgrade materials from the shop.

Finally, once you’re strong enough, you’ll start attempting Interception stages. Each day, you’ll have three attempts for a rotating boss fight, and this is your primary way of getting endgame gear for your units.
As you farm your daily Interception stages, you’ll get Tier 9 gear, and you’ll have a chance of getting faction-specific drops: Elysion, Tetra, Missilis, Abnormal, and Pilgrim. Your goal is to get faction-specific gear for the right unit types. This is the start of your early endgame grind, as faction-specific gear can then be upgraded into Overload gear with substats that you can reroll for.
Clearing stage 9 for each Interception boss will give you a very small chance of getting Custom Modules, which are a very precious resource required for crafting Overload gear and rerolling the stats on them.
Nikke Endgame Progression
Nikke‘s endgame is a massive grind with plenty of time-gated elements, unless you’re planning on shelling out real money to progress faster. That being said, I’d recommend just being patient especially if you’re F2P. There’s no point in rushing through the game if you’re a fairly casual player, and you’ll always have events to enjoy while getting through the endgame grinds.
The goal here is to farm up T9 gear that can be modified into Overload gear, and also get Collection items for individual Nikkes. At this point, gaining levels through the Synchro device becomes a huge slog, so you’ll need to look for power sources elsewhere.
Anomaly Interception

As of August 2024, Nikke has since gotten a new game mode called Anomaly Interception. This functions very similarly to Interception and Special Interception, and boss attempts are shared across all three modes. Even if you’re still in the early part of your endgame grind, I’d recommend just doing Anomaly Interception as soon as you have it unlocked.
Even just clearing the first stage of an Anomaly Interception boss fight will give you way more rewards than stage 9 of past Interception bosses, so yeah. Definitely just focus on this instead.
I’d recommend farming Kraken if you just want to focus on getting Custom Modules, and the other bosses if you’re looking to target farm faction-specific gear.
Collection Items

As you do your daily dispatch missions in Nikke, you’ll also slowly collect resources that grant you a random Collection item. Just like gear, these are cute little statues that you can bind to an individual Nikke to boost her stats and passives. There are weapon-specific Collection items, as well as R and SR versions of each one, which means that farming up the right items you need for your team will also take a while.
Nikke‘s endgame is a slow burn, so once you reach this point, just focus on doing your dailies, and you’ll be able to build out your team eventually.
And that does it for our Goddess of Victory: Nikke progression and endgame guide. Be sure to search up The Escapist for more tips and information on the game.
Published: Aug 23, 2024 12:33 am