The Style Orb is a new piece of content in Jujutsu Piece and it can unlock a new fighting style for you to use. However, the Style Orb doesn’t come easily in Roblox‘s Jujutsu Piece, so here’s how to get it for yourself.
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How To Unlock the Style Orb in Jujutsu Piece Roblox
First and foremost, the Style Orb in Jujutsu Piece is a boss drop, which means it’s not a guaranteed drop. While this is unfortunate, the boss you need to defeat can be beaten rather easily, and they’re not in a difficult-to-reach location, so you can attempt the boss over and over until you get the Style Orb.

Related: Jujutsu Piece Codes
How To Find the Dojo Master Boss in Jujutsu Piece
The Style Orb is a 5% drop from the Dojo Master Boss in the Dojo Area. The Dojo Area itself is unlocked by defeating the Claws Sorcerer and obtaining the Moon Ring. Once you have the Moon Ring, you need to visit the Known Scammer NPC and pay them $500,000. The Claws Sorcerer and the Known Scammer are both located on Training Village Island. Once you pay the Known Scammer, you’ll receive the Unknown Moon.
With the Moon Ring and the Unknown Moon both in your inventory, go to Jujutsu High Island (spawn island) and talk to the Dojo Master. Give them the Moon Ring and then talk to them again to offer up the Unknown Moon. After giving the master both items, you can battle them in the Dojo Area. If you win and don’t receive the Style Orb as a drop, you can battle the Dojo Master again without having to hand over another Moon Ring and Unknown Moon. However, the Dojo Master only spawns every 30 minutes, so you’ll have to wait before battling them again.
Keep battling the Dojo Master in Jujutsu Piece until you receive the Style Orb as a drop, which could take as little as two tries or over 100 tries. It all depends on your luck.
What Is the Style Orb in Jujutsu Piece Roblox?
If you’re wondering whether or not the Style Orb is worth it, the item allows you to obtain one of the Hand of Attraction or Claws of Dismantle fighting styles. The item is of epic rarity and to unlock both fighting styles, you’ll need two different Style Orbs.
In addition to having the Style Orb, the fighting styles also require some cash or you to be at a certain level. So having the Style Orb isn’t the only requirement to unlocking either the Hand of Attraction or Claws of Dismantle fighting styles in Jujutsu Piece.
Jujutsu Piece is available to play now.
Published: Sep 23, 2024 01:35 pm